We build and maintain your networks from the ground up.
Windows Servers, wireless networks, LAN, & WAN consultation, implementation, and maintenance.
- Servers -
- LAN -
- WAN-
- Network Monitoring-

Hardware and Software
Expert support of Mac, PC, and Opensource platforms, peripherals, and accessories. Installation, upgrades, troubleshooting and maintenance.
- Apple
- Microsoft
- Opensource
- Peripherals

Technology Planning
Quality control and advice for the future!
Grant writing, tech policy consultation and creation/implementation of technology systems.
- Infrastructure design
- Systems specification
- Budget control
- Support models
- Policy and procedure development

Technology Integration
In-class facilitation of your technology curriculum.
The young people of today are entering a age of technology-driven careers. Our intention is to give them the tools to communicate, produce, and accel in this new world.
- Online projects - Get your projects online and share them with each other and the world.
- Word-processing - learn the basic tools of word-processing and typing etiquette.
- Computer systems- Understand the file-systems that enable your network to function.
- Multi-media- Powerpoint, Imovie, Soundbooth, Inspiration, and More.

Professional Development
Comprehensive technology training.
We cover everything from basic computer etiquette and use, to complex software and technology training. If you or your staff is looking for a quality workshop, look no further!
- Professional Development - You'll actually work with the technology we're teaching.
- In-class tutorials - We'll work alongside you in your own classroom.
- Resources - We provide a follow-up resources, next steps, and support.

Powerschool Software
This powerful software has swept into many districts. We've been seen its promise, and also the difficulties in its use. Our team of PowerSchool experts can get your users comfortable in no time.
- Customization- We write custom pages and reports.
- Training - From simple interactions with PS to complex database functionality, we can help.
- Back end Support- We keep your powerschool server and data safe.

An Eye on the Bottom Line
Powerful technology tools today do not have to break the bank. We help you make choices and design a solution that is achievable, sustainable and meets all of your needs.
Change is Individual
Today’s world is rapidly changing and it brings challenges and problems that are specific to you. The tools to help you meet them are changing rapidly too. After we sit with you and understand your particular challenges we can help you identify optimal solutions to meet them.